Saturday, May 14, 2016

From Informational War to Race War: Divided We’ll Fall

Will Quigg at the rally              Photo: Brian Levin

Remember when Donald Trump was interviewed about unsolicited support he received from former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke? Remember how he was suddenly blamed as racist, with all kinds of bad tags and slogans appearing next to Trump’s name and pictures at the protests that kept shutting his rallies down? Well, Karma must be a bitch, after all, as it now came to my attention that Ku Klux Klan’s Grand Dragon Will Quigg, who is responsible for KKK recruitment in the Western part of the US, now wants Hillary Clinton to win, as was reported by independent news reporters and some international media (see this video, for example). Do you care to know why KKK likes “the White Witch of the East” (and her native Midwest) that much? That’s when it gets even more interesting:
We want Hillary Clinton to win,” Mr. Quigg told The Telegraph. “She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear, so she can get elected. Because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. Once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out, and her true colors are going to show. Border policies are going to be put in place. Our second amendment rights [favoring gun ownership] that she’s saying she’s against now, she’s not against. She’s just our choice for the presidency.”
Now, where are requests for her comment on this "surprising" endorsement? Don’t we want to know what she thinks of this latest revelation of the 21st Century? Does anyone even care about Ku Klux Klan by now? Not really. Not the white people, anyway… They work and has no time to read alternative news sources or investigate conspiracy theories. But what about the colored America that just loves to hate Mister Trump any day of the week now? Do they care? And should they?
Apparently I have more questions than Hillary got answers, but what about the rise of race discrimination going on all over our country lately? Who is dividing once “United” States of America by all the means possible: by race, by wealth, by gender, by sexual preferences, by political party, by preferred Presidential candidate? Are we that close to losing our minds and waging a Race War in America? Will choosing Hillary bring our country towards that edge? Remember: divided, we’ll fall!
If you think that Mrs. Clinton cannot discriminate against African-Americans, search the Web for a guy named “Danny Williams” who claims that he is Bill Clinton’s illegitimate black son and read his story. Apparently, Hillary has threatened his mother and his aunt to keep quiet ever since Danny was little. All this young man with Bill Clinton’s smile wants is to be acknowledged by his father, and he asks for DNA test to proof that he’s not lying. Clintons prefer to look the other way, ignoring the young man completely. That’s enough to convince me that Hillary is prejudiced against the black folks even when they have an audacity to be related to her husband… What about you? Are you still thinking that voting for “the White Witch of the East” will be good for America with our multi-racial and multi-national country profile? Ku Klux Klan surely thinks she will be! And I think we should pay serious attention to their choice now!


Darwin McLeod said...

Hilary is an opportunist / corrupt liar and satanists manipulator

Chris Saindon said...

Whatever candidate ends up being nominated and elected, you can be sure they were first approved of by AIPAC and Wall Street.
That's been the common denominator for decades.
The general election is theater.

Abhi Jeet said...

As someone who works in politics, most politicians are far from honest. You'd have to be completely naive to put 100% of your trust in any of them including Bernie Sanders. Contrary to popular belief among BernieBros, he is far from a saint. It's easy for him to criticize the Clintons when he's never actually been in charge of anything. Like life, politics and effective governance requires a lot of pragmatic compromise to get things done. Things are almost never black and white, special snowflake millennials.

Anonymous said...

And THAT is where she differs from Bill. Bill was equally more of a liar than she is, was equally cold blooded about changing opinions and betraying causes. But he was very careful to mask his contempt for the public behind a mask of bonhomie. He listened to what they said, remembered who they were, and took their opinions into account. In contrast, the average voter who goes to see Hillary has a first impression that she doesn't want to be there, that she may not believe what she is saying, and that she cares nothing at all about them.

Kyle Herbz said...

If Hillary becomes President, I will have to move out of the country. Any suggestions on where to go to live in peace away from all of this bullshit? lol Seriously. If you had to move out of country, where would you go? Clean food, clean water, mild to warm weather, and minimal threat from corrupt govt. or martial law. Is any place safe? Energetically, she's a mess. We are in trouble with her around. PS. Like to new shorter hair, but do miss this longer version.. especially with the glasses.

John Deso said...

She will win, not because she is a women, but because she was selected at Bilderberg 2008. They told her then that Obama would be first, then it was her turn after Obama. But Obama does not want to give up his 6 star lifestyle, so he will try and suspend elections and become President Forever, with full support of the UN. Read the book called "The Truth Chronicles Book II: Secrets of the Illuminati " - he exposes all this and more.

Jeff Darkness said...

America is waking up! Screw PC. Screw the fact that she is a woman...she is a criminal with over 20 scandals behind her! What a joke!
Of course a half black man became president with absolutely no reason other than being HALF BLACK. Bernie...seriously folks...he's another joke!

However, it's 2016 and the Revolution is on! People are waking up! I have absolutely no problem with a woman being president but not this one and I can't think of anyone at this time! I am putting my vote to Trump! Give him a chance!!!!
He says what we are all thinking and have been thinking for quite some time!
TRUMP 2016!!!
I found this online and it sums it up perfectly!

"In defense of Donald Trump : Try to keep this in mind, Donald Trump did
not steal your money. Donald Trump did not raise your taxes. Donald
Trump did not quadruple the price of food. Trump is not stirring a race
war. Trump did not leave any US soldiers
in Benghazi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims. Trump did not
send the US Navy to fight for Syrian Al-Qaeda. Trump did not arm ISIS
and systematically exterminate Christians throughout the Middle East.
Trump did not betray Israel. Trump did not provide financing and
technology to Iran's nuclear weapons program. Trump did not give our
military secrets to China. Trump did not remove our nuclear missile
shield in Poland at the behest of Russia. Trump did not shrivel our
military, and betray our veterans. Trump did not cripple our economy.
Trump did not increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars. Trump did not
ruin our credit, twice. Trump did not double African American
unemployment. Trump did not increase welfare to a record level for eight
years. Trump did not sign a law making it legal to execute, and
imprison Americans. Trump did not set free all of terrorists in
Guantanamo bay. Trump did not steal your rights, violate US
Constitutional law, or commit treason, hundreds of times.

Yet Trump is being ripped apart in the news, non stop.
The media is the Democratic Party."

Colonizer Jones said...

Hillary is one of the biggest crooks in Washington today. She goes around only supporting what she thinks is popular and cool at the time, and not what a true liberal believes in. There is video footage of Hilary in 2002 that captures her saying she opposes gay marriage in New York state. Bernie Sanders has been a gay rights activist for many decades, organizing one of the first lgbtq pride parades, and declaring a lgbtq
rights day in the town he was the mayor of, before it was even fathomable that gay marriage could some day be legal. Hillary Clinton is what will cause the ultimate downfall of the United States of America, and in turn, the world.

Bill Sales said...

Hillary Clinton [right-wing, fascist republican], at the behest of her boss= Goldman-Sachs= [using the CIA-owned NTC], invaded Libya and murdered Gaddafi to steal his gold and oil [plus her murder of many Americans during her false flag massacre at the embassy]. after she forked over the stolen loot to her boss [Goldman Sachs] she took her cut. if we had a democratically elected world court we could convict/execute this mass-murdering psychopath [HILLARY] in a Nuremburg-style, crimes-against-humanity trial. Call me and I'll give you tactics certain to weaken/destroy/replace all current governing, worldwide. Bill Kahn 949-209-7398

Peter Piper said...

No woman I am acquainted with is voting for Hillary Clinton... thank GOD!!!

Winson Thai said...

I just love how people go nuts when the KKK endorses Donald Trump, but stay silent when they endorse Hillary. Guess it's true, women can get away with anything.

Danny Smith said...

I want to see Hillary lock lips again with the kkk leader....

Joe Bambino said...

Must be Trump new strategy to bring Hillary to his level, but are people so stupid to believe it.

Ricardo Garcia said...

I don't think Hillary will win, I believe Trump will.
And I don't Believe that Obama won the Presidency just Merely BECAUSE he was Black, but because he got the Highest vote from both Blacks and whites AND he'a a Liberalist .
And if Hillary wins it will be because not only is she a woman, but she has all the Liberals , Feminists , Gays, and Blacks on her side

Evan Ohashi-White said...

Hillary is payed by the banks and will protect Wall Street. She is a woman, but that should have nothing to do with it, even though it does because there are real jesus-loving assholes in this world really just whining about how they never ever get plugged.

Bernie Sanders is who you should vote for 2016. Feel the Bern.

Mario's Kitchen said...

If every one gives up faith in our freedom and life as we know it. It will be hell to pay for our children & grand children. If you have no faith in our system which I agree is very mess up and needs a change but for the future of our children I feel it is worth standing up for. Do a little research on Hillery, she's has got plans for this country that will not keep our way of life the way it is now. If there is no faith then try moving to one of the 3rd world countries and see what it will be like. I do not care if the new president is female or what ever they are as long as they feel we are worth fighting for mainly our freedom and constitution . Please do some research on all candidates your future depends on it and I feel that is well worth it.

Hogman Go said...

Bernie has great power in the Democratic party now. Without his support and the support of his voters she will lose. Her strongest region is the south. The last time a Democrat carried the south was 1976. So she won't win there. And she had many close races with Bernie elsewhere. She will have to give in on single payer healthcare and the doing away with super delegates in all further nominations. She will have wheel and deal to get Bernie's supporters to vote for her. So in a way Bernie and he's supporters have won!!! So get on board the revolution Hillary or lose.

Kimberly York said...

What an ignorant video. There are many reasons to not want Hillary as president. The fact that she's a woman is perhaps the largest reason she is getting there (presuming not Trump). But then you decide to attack a third party (that was pretty much alienated by Hillary most of her career, and even recently with her idiotic praise to Nancy Reagan).

Well, at least your boy Trump might actually win. And a part of me hopes he does simply because maybe it's time for the human race to exterminate itself. At least let the animals have a peaceful existence. They seem to be better than us anyway.

Enjoy your apocalypse--either way. Because either of these clowns stand to destroy America--if not the world.